Blessings for world peace (2005)
for solo cello with handbells (or choirchimes), harmonic whirlies (C5 & C6), didgeridoo in ‚C‘ & optional harmonic overtone singing / Sarah Hopkins. -2005
SCORE: Shorncliffe, Qld : Music for the Soul, [2006]. 1 score (ii, 13 p.) ; 30 cm.
Solo voice (harmonic overtone singing), violoncello, didjeridu in C, handbell ensemble (12 bells played by 6-12 people, or keyboard on vibraphone stand), 2 harmonic whirlies (low C5 and high C6).
5 min., 30 sec.
AMC Library number: 785.5419/HOP 1
Honour The Earth As Your Mother (2000)
A cappella performance or accompaniment by small ensemble or orchestra. There are sections for optional harmonic overtone singing and optional use of whirlies, didgeridoo and clapsticks. Fisrt performed by Korowa Anglican Girls‘ School (Melbourne, Australia) 8/09/2000
SA/SATB, 8 min.
Reclaiming the spirit (1993)
for singing cellist (with optional harmonic whirlies C5 & C6, & optional harmonic overtone singing) / Sarah Hopkins. -1993
SCORE: Shorncliffe, Qld : Music for the Soul, [2006]. 1 score (v, 3 p.) ; 30 cm.
Violoncello, cellist’s voice, optional harmonic whirlies C5 & C6, optional harmonic overtone singing.
Approx. 5 min., 30 sec.
AMC Library number: 787.4/HOP 6
Past life melodies (1991)
for mixed voice a capella choir / Sarah Hopkins. -1991
SCORE: Toowong, Qld. : Morton Music, c1992. 1 score (iv, 8 p.) ; 30 cm.
SATB choir (with divisi).
7 min., 20 sec. approx.
AMC Library number: 782.5554/HOP 1
The temple within (1990)
for solo voice, harmonic overtone singing, with optional electronics / Sarah Hopkins.
SCORE: Spring Hill, Qld. ; Holistic Music Publications, [1996]. ii p. ; 30 cm.
Solo voice, optional electronics.
AMC Library number: 783.2554/HOP 1
Cello chi (1986)
for cello and cellist’s voice (harmonic singing) / Sarah Hopkins.
SCORE: 1 facsimile score (4 p.) ; 21 x 30 cm.
Violoncello, cellist’s voice.
13 min., 3 sec.
AMC Library number: 787.4/HOP 3
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[…] 1. Video der Playlist singen sie Past Life Melodies (1991) der australischen Komponistin Sarah Hopkins, eine der frühen Kompositionen, die Obertongesang als Effekt (ohne Tonhöhenangabe) […]
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