Stuart Hinds from the USA is undisputedly the star of polyphonic Western overtone singing. No one else handles two melodies in basic and overtone with such virtuosity. He is also one of the most productive composers for overtone singing and has written several pieces for solo and choral singing.
Now he has written a new book “Making Music with Overtone Singing” in 2017. It is a systematic learning aid that allows every slightly advanced overtone singer to get into the art of polyphonic overtone singing.The new book starts where overtone beginners begin to control their tones and leads from there into the complex polyphony. The book thus forms the bridge to his more demanding 15 songs.
His sheet music book “An Overtone Expirience – 15 polyphonic overtone songs you´ll love to sing”, published by Traumzeit-Verlag in 2012 and translated by me, required advanced overtone singing experience.
Stuart Hinds generously makes his book available as a free PDF download. In addition to the book, the download also contains sound samples sung by the author.
To the download page
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