Software & other Products
Software Overtone Analyzer / VoceVista
by Bodo Maass and Wolfgang Saus
Teaching and singing better and more convincingly with sound analysis in no time.
Book incl. practice CD: Oberton Singen
by Wolfgang Saus
Anyone can easily learn overtone singing with this clear step-by-step guide. The standard reference book. German and Czech version.
Alikvotní zpěv
by Wolfgang Saus, translated by Michaela Svatošová
Czech translation of the textbook “Oberton Singen”.
Self study DVD: The Overtone Singing Workshop
by Wolfgang Saus and Minghao Xu
Learn to sing overtone in just 3 weeks. Over 2 hours of video. German, English subtitles.
Sheet Music for Overtone Singing (free of charge)
by Wolfgang Saus
Sheet music for practicing overtone singing.
Overtone Slider & Other Educational Material
by Wolfgang Saus
Understanding harmonics with the overtone slider.
Film: Space – Sound – Voice
of Minghao Xu
A unique documentary about the experience of overtone singing.
CD Harmoniversum
by Michael Reimann and Wolfgang Saus
Deep harmonic music with piano & overtone singing.
Lexikon der Gesangsstimme
(Lexicon of the singing voice)
With over 50 authors, including Wolfgang Saus
Indispensable reference work for voice professionals. German only.
Gesangsstile – Stimmtechniken – Stimmgesundheit
(Singing Styles – Voice Techniques – Voice Health)
Publisher Michael Fuchs
With the contribution “Overtone singing with children and teenagers: Training hearing and fine motor skills in an unusual way” by Wolfgang Saus. German only.
Stimmstörungen – ein Fokus der Klinischen Sprechwissenschaft
(Voice Disorders – a Focus of Clinical Speech Science)
Publisher: Susanne Voigt-Zimmermann, Stephanie Kurtenbach, Gabriele Finkbeiner, Anke Bergt, Wanda Mainka
With the contribution “Overtone singing – when formants become tones” by Wolfgang Saus. German only.
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