Oberton Singen, Book and CD
The standard work on western overtone singing including self-study course and CD.
Oberton Singen
Das Geheimnis einer magischen Stimmkunst – Obertongesang lernen mit dem neuen Drei-Stufen-Kurs
(Overtone Singing
The Secret of a Magical Voice Art – Learn Overtone Singing with the New Three-step Course)
Wolfgang Saus
Traumzeit publishing house Battweiler 2011, 4. ed.
Hard cover, 132 pages, 21 x 21 cm
Including teaching CD
€ 21,95
ISBN 978-3-933825-36-0
… excellent in all aspects – structure, presentation, science, didactics, etc. It can be used as a textbook but also as a reference book… [transl.]
Anyone who can speak can learn overtone singing.
With this book and the enclosed CD you teach yourself overtone singing in 3 weeks – without previous knowledge, without “practice”, just listening and imitating. Perfect when driving.
Overtone pioneer Wolfgang Saus introduces his readers to singing overtones in his ” Three-step ” course. The methodology is so amazingly simple that one can only be astonished: On the enclosed CD, Saus leads even small children and takes away any fear of singing.
“Singing overtones” by Wolfgang Saus is more than just a textbook: it is a revolutionary decoding of the origin of overtones in human voice. It is simple, logical, comprehensible, and made easy to learn, even for amateurs.
Overtone master Wolfgang Saus has made overtone singing credible and above all easy to learn. The three-step technique is his development. With this technique even total amateurs learn to sing their first overtones, without detours, without previous knowledge and of course without musical proficiency. [transl.]
Helo, have you had this book (“Oberton Singen” +CD) translated in English?
If so, what is the title and where can it be purchased?
If not, do you know if this will happen (I saw a forum where a post from 2007 said it was about to be translated).
Thank you,